We were made in the image, or mirrored likeness of God. (Genesis 1:26) I stood in front of a mirror today, in retrospect, maybe not the best move, but then again, I do understand why my wife had me get a personal trainer. As I stood there, I began to realize that the mirror reflected back only what stood in front of it. It wasn't impressed by the clothes, nor was impressed by my new hair cute, as a matter of fact, it wasn't impressed. Regardless of how regal I tried to act, or how foolish I could be in front of it, it very simply, without judgement, without cause, without any form of influence, other then what it was reflecting, I realized it was simply reflected the raw truth, me.
In Genesis 1:26 God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit is standing in front of a mirror or a calm body of water, and without judgement, without cause, without any form of influence, just the simple means of creation, their reflection was simply....us. So the next time you look in the mirror, you can truly say, "That's what God looks like". So my advice for you today is, remove your boundaries of achievement, and reflect your creator. See yourself as God has seen you in his mirror.
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