Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"Unforeseen Events"

There are many events that take place in our daily life's, some on one hand supports the directions, the decisions and plans that we have made, while there are others that seem to derail all our hopes and dreams, and cause us to pause or even in the worse case scenario, bring us to a complete stop. I have discovered that during these unplanned influx of events, that the variable or unseen occurrences have the ability to cause even the very best and successful to questions their once unshakable resolve. So don't be discouraged by thinking that maybe your weak, or that your plans were some how defective or fell short in their design when this happens, because the case is more then likely the opposite.

I belief there are times that the occurrences within themselves doesn't have the neccessary strength to destroy or even cripple the strategies, and for this reason, we must determine, is it the event itself? or is it in fact, the unplanned occurrence?. Case in point, if you driving to a particular destination, and a bridge is out, do you turn around and head back from where you started? or do you simple navigate around the obstruction? and continue your plans with some adjustments? Don't allow events to take you back to the point of beginning, or even make you question your abilities, yes, we may have to pause for a moment while we bring clarity to the occurrence and the event, however, we'll continue to move toward our cause with that resolve we had prior.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Perception Determines Outcome"

I have complete confidence in the statement, "Perception Determines Outcome", however, there is a general belief within the mechenics of it, that positive thoughts or seeds takes longer to produce then negative thoughts or seed, I don't agree. Both thoughts or seeds produce and grow through natural design of themselves, what they are is what they are, they cannot influence themselves, nor can they be influenced. They cannot be alter by emotion, honesty, integrity, or the opposite of those. They will become what they are, nothing more or less.

Lets start out by acknowledging that, perceptions is the general planting of thoughts that someday in the future that thought, will occur. I believe that it is within this planting of thought, lies the timing of the outcome, I also believe it is where a lot of us experience frustration, in which most of the frustration is due to false expectations, or when we believe the outcome should have occurred or at least, began to turn around.

When we plant two completely separate seeds, the process or effort that it takes to plant these corrected and negative thoughts are equal. One being an acorn, the other a simple flower, but during this planting we'll sometimes fine that our expectations in both seeds are the same, and that is, we'll expect them to reach maturity at the same time. I believe this occurs because there is really no big difference in the actual size of the seeds, their both small in nature, and we have the ability to hold them in the palm of our hands and for this reason I believe we set ourselves up for future disappointment. We view these seeds, or thoughts as being the same by merely looking at the surface of the seeds, the size of the seeds or thoughts, and the effort that it takes us to plant these seeds. This is where it is most important that our perceptions be correct, we need to see these seeds for what they are distend to become, not how small and insignificant they may look at the time of planting.

If we perceive that the acorn will become a mighty Oak one day through its natural design of growth, then our expectations will be kept in check deferring unwarranted frustrations. This same analogy refers to the flower, if we understand that there is a growth period brought on by the natural design of planting, then our expectation will be submitted to the design that God created, and not by time schedules of false hopes.

Keep in mind that there is a natural growth period of visions and thoughts, just remember that the person who plants acorns will have a longer period between planting and harvest, strictly due to the size of the outcome, then the person who plants flowers. Please don't misunderstand me, plant your oaks or great visions, allow yourself to see you as God sees you and watch what happens, just remember to plant some smaller flowers along the way, Its the continues smaller harvests that sustains us through this process of outcomes.

"Mirrored Image"

We were made in the image, or mirrored likeness of God. (Genesis 1:26) I stood in front of a mirror today, in retrospect, maybe not the best move, but then again, I do understand why my wife had me get a personal trainer. As I stood there, I began to realize that the mirror reflected back only what stood in front of it. It wasn't impressed by the clothes, nor was impressed by my new hair cute, as a matter of fact, it wasn't impressed. Regardless of how regal I tried to act, or how foolish I could be in front of it, it very simply, without judgement, without cause, without any form of influence, other then what it was reflecting, I realized it was simply reflected the raw truth, me.

In Genesis 1:26 God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit is standing in front of a mirror or a calm body of water, and without judgement, without cause, without any form of influence, just the simple means of creation, their reflection was So the next time you look in the mirror, you can truly say, "That's what God looks like". So my advice for you today is, remove your boundaries of achievement, and reflect your creator. See yourself as God has seen you in his mirror.

"Discipline Yourself Not To Decide"

I was once told, "Never allow your emotions to make or influence any business decision". I believe the statement to be true, however, it goes just beyond business implementations and expectation, but life decisions as well. I did discovered, that once I started to implement this practise in my personal life, implementing the practice in business came easier.

Once I started this practice I decided to analyse the outcomes and results. I discovered that the life decisions were bringing more positive reactions and solution without the emotions being allowed to influence the words spoken or decision made. The other thing that was discovered was the outcomes were extremely positive and just did not benefit me, but everyone that was involved, equally benefited.

Don't take me wrong, emotions are needed in our everyday life, however, like all things that influence us, emotion have their rightful place. Our emotions are very productive and fruitful, but in the wrong place, they become extremely damaging and dangers if not controlled. How many times have we said something in the heat of the moment, for us just to turn around latter, and say, I wish I didn't say that? If you are anything like me, one of the toughest lessons that I have learned, was words have tremendous power and authority and once said, they cannot be taken back. The same can be said about the decisions we make during the influence of emotions. The decisions made during emotional influances very seldom produce positive outcomes, more then likely the results of these decisions compound the existing problems instead of solving them.

One of the practices I personally and professionally exercise is what I call "The 24 hour rule". When there is a situation that has everyone's emotions stirred up, I make the decision not to decide, it's not until I take at least 24 hours to get my emotions in check. Once I accomplish and conquer my emotions, I then come back to the problem and see it through calm and rational thought, without emotions no longer playing their part, then and only then, I'll make a decision. This practice has brought clarity to explosive subject matter in my life and career, and has brought solutions to extremely difficult decisions. So try the 24 hour rule and Discipline Yourself Not To Decide.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

"Perception Determines Outcome"

I have complete confidence in the statement, "Perception Determines Outcome", however, there is a general belief within the mechenics of it, that positive thoughts or seeds takes longer to produce then negative thoughts or seed, I don't agree. Both thoughts or seeds produce and grow through natural design of themselves, that they are what they are, they cannot influence themselves nor can they be influenced, they cannot be alter by emotion, honesty, integrity, or the opposite of those. They will become what they are, nothing more or less.

Lets start out by acknowledging that, perceptions is the general planting of thoughts that someday in the future that thought will occur. I believe that it is within this planting of thought, lies the timing of the outcome, I also believe it is where a lot of us experience frustration, in which most of the frustration is due to false expectations, or when we believe the outcome should have occurred or at least, began to turn around.

When we plant two completely separate seeds, the process or effort that it takes to plant these corrected and negative thoughts are equal. One being an acorn, the other a simple flower, but during this planting we'll sometimes fine that our expectations in both seeds are the same, and that is, we'll expect them to reach maturity at the same time. I believe this occurs because there is really no big difference in the actual size of the seeds, their both small in nature, and we have the ability to hold them in the palm of our hands and for this reason I believe we set ourselves up for future disappointment. We view these seeds, or thoughts as being the same by merely looking at the surface of the seeds, the size of the seeds or thoughts, and the effort that it takes us to plant these seeds. This is were it is most important that our perceptions be correct, we need to see the seeds for what they are distend to become, not how small and insignificant the may look at the time of planting.

If we perceive that the acorn will become a mighty Oak one day through its natural design of growth, then our expectations will be kept in check deferring unwarranted frustrations. This same analogy refers to the flower, if we understand that there is a growth period brought on by the natural design of planting, then our expectation will be submitted to the design that God created, and not by time schedules of false hopes.

Keep in mind that there is a natural growth period of visions and thoughts, just remember that the person who plants acorns will have a longer period between planting and harvest, then the person who plants flowers. Please don't misunderstand me, plant your oaks or great visions, allow yourself to see you as God sees you and watch what happens, just remember to plant some smaller flowers along the way, Its the continues smaller harvests that sustains us through this process of outcomes.

Author: Jerry Richmond